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News  /  7th June 2018

7 ways to engage with your audience


7 ways to engage with your audience

Chris Debbinney-Wright, Head of Creative Solutions at Å·ÃÀAV Limited, has the lowdown on how brands can create the most effective content for their audience

1. Create something to remember
Don’t just tell them about your brand. Consider what you want to say about the brand, what story you have to tell (and whether it’s interesting), and consider the best way of doing this. Incorporate interesting and unusual facts, introduce a narrative, a standout image or design, or a compelling reason to return or make you think. This will both increase content and campaign recall, and boost reach through audiences sharing facts with friends and colleagues. Consider if other partnerships, brands, influencers, advocates or potential brand ambassadors could assist. Research these carefully – are they who you want to work with?

2. Ask them to participate
Everything from ‘scratch and sniff’ through to digital surveys and ‘retweet to win’ will provide an interesting talking point and increase reach to your target audience and peer groups.

3. Pictures tell a 1,000 words. And video?
Use both images and video where possible and relevant. These mediums provide a great base that’ll increase dwell time and sharing power on social media. Consider the type of photography and videos you’d like to create – for example, make sure there’s a reason to watch your video.

4. Who is your audience?
What works in print or on social media doesn’t necessarily translate to digital or video. Ensure the duration and tone of voice is in keeping with the target audience, while maintaining the message and integrity of your brand. Everything from the design or storyboard of the ‘story’ should be concisely orchestrated. Don’t try and say too much (by cramming too much in) on one piece of content — decide on your message, know your message and trust in your message for that medium.

5. Make it personal
This, combined with messaging, can be a very powerful tool. From a simple named personalised letter and email through to interactive video that, with a little data-input, can refer to the customer by name, interest, or career field, for example. By simply making the message personal to an individual, group or audience, your campaign message engagement and recall becomes higher. Note: Post-GDPR, making it personal is only an option if you have your audience’s opt-in consent.

6. Engage on all channels – ‘Always On’
With multiple channels for consumers to search for you or your content, it’s imperative you are ‘always on’ the platforms where your customers would expect to find you.

7. Think outside the box – and look outside the box
It’s what separates you from the rest and makes you stand out. It’s all about thinking of your customers and target audience, and finding unique innovative ways to engage with them. Don’t be afraid of trying new things and environments, pushing boundaries and putting your audience first. Check out your competitors and non-competitors. Who’s innovating, who’s catching your attention, what’s working for you and what isn’t… then give it a go.

To find out how Å·ÃÀAV can help you engage with your audience, call us on +44 (0) 20 7253 9909 or e-mail [email protected]